Guillermo Del Toro's Sketchbook Shows An Unimaginable Fantasy World

Director & Producer Guillermo Del Toro is truly a gifted artist who's as capable of bringing his unimaginable world and creativity to life with a simple pencil as he is with a camera, he's known to first begin sketching his fantasy world and creatures in the pages of his notebooks

Guillermo Del Toro's Sketchbook Shows An Unimaginable World

While he once left his Pan's Labyrinth notes in the back seat of a cab, and the loss might have destroyed the project if not for the kind efforts of the cab driver to return the book (resulting in a $900 tip upon its return). Here's the set of images of Hellboy franchises, Pan’s Labyrinth creature, his latest work Pacific Rim and much more. Check out the gallery below thanks to

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