First Image From Paul Haggis's Third Person starring Neeson And Wilde

We have the first look at Liam Neeson and Olivia Wilde in Paul Haggis's "Third Person." Paul Haggis, the filmmaker behind "Crash" and "In The Valley Of Elah" returns with "Third Person," it also stars Mila Kunis, Adrien Brody, James Franco, Maria Bello and Kim Basinger. The film is based on Three interlocking love stories involving three couples in three cities: Rome, Paris, and New York.

Liam Neeson and Olivia Wilde in Third person film

Official Synopsis:

"Third Person follows three couples as their love stories intertwine in three cities across the globe: Rome, Paris, and New York. The stellar ensemble cast includes Academy Award winners Kim Basinger and Adrien Brody, Academy Award nominees Liam Neeson and James Franco, along with Mila Kunis, Olivia Wilde and Maria Bello.

Michael, a New York writer who recently left his wife, receives a visit from his lover Anna in a Paris hotel. The story explores their complicated on/off relationship due to her inability to commit because of a terrible secret.

New Yorker Julia has recently been accused of negligence in an incident that almost led to her son's death, a charge she firmly denies. As a result of these charges, her son is now in the custody of his father Rick, who's doing everything in his power to take the boy away from her. Julia is trying at all costs to regain custody of her son.

Sean, an American businessman on a trip to Rome, falls in love with a Gypsy woman, Monica. Sean is inevitably drawn into a plot where he tries to free Monica's daughter who has been kidnapped by an Italian gangster and is being held for ransom. Emotions run high as Sean questions whether he is being set up."

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Ten Highly Enjoyable New Year's Eve Related Movies

New Year Eve's Movies
Christmas movies are so common that its value is little or nothing nowadays, but movies that revolves around New Year's Eve are slightly less frequent. We’re just few days away from ringing in a new year, so what are you going to do to celebrate? If you're staying home on New Year's Eve, here are some astonishing movies that have some scenes about New Year's Eve. I’ve put together a list for you, with the 10 best and entertaining New Year’s Eve movies ever made. Pop some popcorn, enjoy the champagne, curl up together, and enjoy these movies that feature celebrations of all things ending and aging.

1. The Gold Rush (1925)

***One Of The Best Silent Classic Starring Chaplin***

"In 1998, the American Film Institute chose “The Gold Rush” as one of the 100 greatest films ever made. Chaplin referred to the film as “the picture that I want to be remembered by.

"The Gold Rush," perhaps more than any other Chaplin film, best captures that elusive moments, sad quality about the little tramp that penetrate so many of his films.

"The Gold Rush" set in the year 1898, during the gold rush of the time, Chaplin portrays as a silly-witty prospector, one of the many who have bravely come up to face the harsh climate conditions of Alaska, in search for pure gold. After struggling through a blizzard, he comes across a cabin. From there, much lies ahead for him. He experiences being abandon in the cabin with a fellow prospector named Big Jim McKay, and also falls in love with a woman he meets in Alaska named Georgia, and attempts to win her heart.

I strongly recommend Chaplin films to anyone who is quite interested in early cinema but is turned off by the idea of silent pictures. He's so expressive and so fun to watch that I promise you you will forget that you're watching a silent film.

2. Sunset Boulevard (1950)

***A Fascinating,Unusual And The Dark Side Of Hollywood***

"Joe Gillis: You're Norma Desmond. You used to be in silent pictures. You used to be big.

Norma Desmond: I am big. It's the pictures that got small."

"Sunset Boulevard" right up there with "All About Eve" as one of the best written and best performed films of the 1950's.

Gloria Swanson plays Norma Desmond who is a lonely insecure once famous silent film actress living in isolation with her servant in a lavish, but neglected Hollywood mansion from the 1920's. William Holden plays the role of Joe Gillis, a down on his luck B film Hollywood writer who accidentally discovers her mansion. she watches her past films in her own theater. She dreams of making a comeback, writing a ridiculous script, and hoping to send it to Cecil B. DeMille and make him direct it.

The plot was also suspenseful when you have two people like Swanson and Holden working together on opposite sides. The idea of having a "Norma Desmond" in "Sunset Boulevard" gave it more mystery and made it more interesting. Everybody should watch this movie at least once in their lifetime.

3. When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

***A Delightful And Beautiful Romantic Comedy Film***

"Harry Burns: I have been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you.

Sally Albright: What?

Harry Burns: I love you.

Sally Albright: How do you expect me to respond to this?

Harry Burns: How about, you love me too.

Sally Albright: How about, I'm leaving."

Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) meets Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) in 1977 when they need someone to share a drive with to New York after graduating college in Chicago. The film shows how, after a couple of bad starts, they begin and develop a friendship, which stays constant throughout their turbulent romantic lives. However, the film raises the question, 'Can men and women ever be just friends?'.

Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan have this unbelievable chemistry on-screen together that is so apparent in this film. It truly works with the witty dialogue about the crucial observations of relationships and the differences of gender.

This film can bring tears to those who watch it every time. It is film like this that give hope to people that one day, they will find that one person who challenges them, and loves them for exactly who they are. "When Harry Met Sally" is the perfect film to watch for people of all ages. Highly recommended.

4. Sleepless in Seattle (1993) 

***A Film Filled With Hope, Love, Pain And Fun***

"Annie Reed: Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental."

"Sleepless in Seattle" a charming tale of fate and soul mates. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are perfect as Sam and Annie who are made for each other. The story is simple, remade from Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr's 1957 classic "An Affair to Remember" and it's impossible to describe how good this movie makes you feel even if you've seen it countless times like I have!.

This movie is one of Nora Ephron's best. Tom Hanks couldn't be more charming and the story, though very simple, is about as sweet as they get. I won't give away the ending, but the nature of fate and location collide in a way that you won't forget.

5. Trading Places (1983) 

***A Thoroughly Enjoyable And Well Crafted Comedy***

"Billy Ray: Merry New Year!

Beeks: That's 'happy.' In this country we say 'Happy New Year.'

Billy Ray: Oh, ho, ho, thank you for correcting my English which stinks!"

"Trading Places" is a movie that deals with Louis Winthorpe III( Dan Aykroyd ) who is a successful New York commodity broker with a mansion in Philadelphia and Billy Ray Valentine( Eddie Murphy ) who is a hustling beggar, but they traded places. Jamie Lee Curtis is good in it playing Ophelia, Paul Gleason is also good in it as an F.B.I. Agent, and Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche are good, too as those two brothers who are rich.

Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd in their prime. Both are funny, neither are silly and useless, and both portray the best of character's fit for a movie. Both will keep you laughing until you cry.

It's engaging and entertaining with a strong story, amusing material, good performances and good all round delivery. Not a classic as some would suggest but certainly a very enjoyable comedy.

6. The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

 ***A Witty, Well Performed And Coen Bothers Perfect Comedy***

"Amy Archer: Norville Barnes, you don't know a thing about that woman. You don't know who she really is. Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about."

"The Hudsucker Proxy" story of this film is simple. Norville Barnes (Tim Robbins) who is a college graduate gets a job in the mail room of the hugely successful Hudsucker Industries. On his first day on the job the chairman of the Hudsucker industries commits suicide. Board of Directors led by Sidney J. Mussberger (Paul Newman) decides to lower the companies stock by hiring an idiot in his place, then taking advantage of lowered stock price. Barnes is that innocent idiot.
Only the Coen Brothers could take a tired holiday format and inject into it a measure of surrealism and a large amount of humor. People who found this too arty or the comedy too black really missed the point - it is in fact a traditional family holiday movie.

7. Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

***Highly Original And Definitely Has It's Moments***

"Bridget: It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces."

Renee Zellweger plays the titular Bridget, a 32 year old single woman in London who is sick of her lonely lifestyle and boring job at a publishing company. Not long after starting to keep a diary, she begins a passionate affair with her serial-cad sex-god boss Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) but things don't go quite as well as she planned. But is she destined to end up with Daniel or nice-but-dull Mark Darcy (Colin Firth)?

Renee Zellweger fits the bill perfectly for the part of Bridget Jones and she didn't do badly with the British accent. Hugh Grant plays a different character to what we're used to when in romantic comedies, but it is definitely a good thing.

8. About a Boy (2002)

***A Charming, Brilliant Story And Modern Morality Tale***

"Fiona: Will, am I a bad mother?

Will: No. No, you're not a bad mother. You're just a barking lunatic."

"About A Boy" is actually quite simple story: we have Will, a guy who has never done anything at all significant in his life and has thus never really grown up, and he meets Marcus, a poor 12-year-old who has grown up to quickly without really realizing it, is bullied at school, he's killed a duck with a loaf of bread and his mother has just attempted to kill herself. Bizarrely the two end up reluctant friends, and manage to give each other a healthy dose of some much needed thoughtful ideas

The acting is delightful. Grant gives the performance of his lifetime. Toni Collette is fabulous. And Hoult is also good. All in all this movie is charming and funny. I would recommend it to anyone with a heart and sense of humor.

9. Strange Days (1995)

***A Violent, Disturbing And Sizzling Sci-Fi Action Thriller Film***

"Talk radio host: Now, just so the, the rest of us know how much time is left, when is the rapture supposed to hit exactly? Is it midnight New Year's Eve?

Lori: That's right.

Talk radio host: Aha. Is that midnight L.A. time or, or Eastern Standard Time, or what? I mean, what timezone is God in anyway?"

"Strange Days" set in a futuristic world, the black market virtual reality is all the rage. Ex-Cop Lenny Nero (Ralph Fiennes) is the guy you go to for all your virtual dreams. He can get you anything from the ultimate vacation to porno and everything in between. Nero's world is soon to be turned upside when on the New Year's Eve of the millennium, he receives a video tape which contains the murder of someone he knows.

Many people don't know this, but "Strange Days" was actually written by the Director, James Cameron, shortly before he did Titanic.

The lead actor Ralph Fiennes is fantastic and is just bad enough to not be considered a hero, however the bad performances of the other actors by comparison, the happy ever after ending and hits violent nature lets this film only just escape from being a masterpiece.

10. 200 Cigarettes (1999) 

***A Hardcore And Rocking New Year Party Time***

"Lucy: You need to find somebody that likes you the way you are.

Kevin: And who would possibly like me the way I am?

Lucy: I have no idea."

"200 Cigarettes" is described as an episodic film. It revolves around a number of people on New Years Eve of 1981 and climaxes at one big rock party. These people seem to miss each other, yet also go through their own problems to try and understand themselves and their part in life. Some of them realize the truth about themselves, while others of them simply continue to go on as they were.

Courtney Love and Christina Ricci the standouts, while Kate Hudson shows real promise as a comic actor. It is true that although there was a lot of talent in this film, most of the acting was mediocre. This seems to defy explanation. Somehow though, I forgave all of them since I so thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Request: If You Have Any Suggestion Regarding The Movies Related To New Year's Eve. Drop Your Comments.

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

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10 Heart Rending Romantic Movies About Amnesia

The issues of memory and especially Amnesia are a common plot device in movies, since as far back as the 1939 starring Bette Davis and George Brent in "Dark Victory". Lost memories have become a go-to movie trope over the past few decades, with varying levels of success, mostly psychological thrillers. The concept of losing memories and identity is frightening. Amnesia seems less in romantic movies, but they do exist.

Love stories are often about the excitement and romance of falling in love, something most of us have gone through ourselves. But what made these movies so great for me was the devotion and the pain that was born from the love. Let's see 10 beautiful and heart wrenching romantic movies about memory loss or amnesia.

The Notebook Film Classic Poster

10. Overboard (1987)

***A Predictable But Hilarious and Satisfying romcom***

"Annie: Hey mister, what was I doing out in the ocean?

Dean Proffitt: That's something you like to do, go fishing for oysters at night

Annie: Oysters in a cold ocean at night, doesn't sound like me!"

Glamorous Joanna hires a carpenter to build a closet on her yacht while docked in Oregon. Unsatisfied with his work, she refuses to pay him. In a sort of turnabout, she herself falls off the same yacht late one night while attempting to retrieve her wedding ring. The shock of hitting the cold water gives her amnesia, and, capitalizing on that to recoup his losses, Russell convinces her she is his wife, and takes her home to labor in squalor until she works off the cost of his tools.

Hawn and Russell, Katherine Helmond, Edward Hermann, Roddy McDowell and all four of the kids did a great job in their respective roles. At times the story can appear predictable and perhaps blown out of a realistic context, especially the ending. However it is an enjoyable family comedy and I definitely recommend it to anyone.

9. The Vow (2012)

***A Wonderful, Cute And Charming Film***

"Leo: Life's all about moments, of impact and how they changes our lives forever. But what if one day you could no longer remember any of them?"

"Leo: I need to make my wife fall in love with me again."

In Chicago, Paige (Rachel McAdams) and Leo (Channing Tatum) have just married and they are in love. In a beautiful snowing night, they have a car accident and Paige has a serious head injury and stays in coma. When she awakes, she has partial memories of her life until five years ago and she does not recognize Leo. Her estranged parents Rita (Jessica Lange) and Bill Thornton (Sam Neill) use the unusual situation to bring Paige back home. Leo decides to woo her again to have his wife back.

The film makes you think about the different kind of loss; having someone you love forget who you are completely and treat you like a stranger. I'm pretty sure I did shed a tear or two.. Definitely worth watching if you have a thing for romantic drama!

8. Regarding Henry (1991)

***A Under appreciated And Touching Film***

"Henry: You see that man over there? That lady over there. He used to be her husband. Who's she kidding? The damage has already been done."

Harrison Ford does it again. This time first establishing his character as a almost heartless, corporate lawyer. Then after getting shot in the head and losing his memory, he starts life over again. This time he becomes a decent, warm human being as he re-enters life in the big city. Bill Nunn does a good performance helping Ford get back on his feet physically and then later on as a friend for advice.

Music of Hans Zimmer is simple ,but it is suitable for the atmosphere which dominates the movie. Still I insist that a beautiful script plays the main role in this movie. After that comes the directing and then acting and music. Recommended.

7. Anastasia (1997)

***A Simple Animation And Moving Love Story***

"Vladimir: She certainly has a mind of her own.

Dimitri: Yeah. I hate that in a woman."

In a period of Russian history, a young princess is lost. Years later, a young woman who can't remember her past embarks on a journey to find her family, and find out if she might actually be the missing princess. She is persuaded at first by a fortune-seeking conman, but an evil sorcerer, long thought dead, seems to think she is the real deal, and he sets out to end the royal line once and for all.

"Anastasia" is 20th Century Fox's first animated motion picture from their animation division, and for such a gem, this is a great start, because it made a bunch of well-earned money in the box office. The film shows that craft is as important to the success of animation as it is to live action. The writers know their myth, fairy tale, and love story genres and how to blend them in a seamless single strand.

6. The Majestic (2001) 

***Simply Superb, Jim Carrey Can Fit Into Any Role He Wants***

"Luke Trimble: When bullies rise up, the rest of us have to beat them back down, whatever the cost. That's a simple idea, I suppose, but one worth giving everything for."

"The Majestic" is about a movie writer Peter Appleton (Jim Carrey), during the time of the communist witch-hunt and he gets black-listed, loses his memory and winds-up in this town in which he looks like a guy that was lost in the war. He adopts this life because he doesn't know any better and he falls in love there. When he realizes who he is and is called to testify on his own behalf, he realizes that he needs to stand up against the committee.

Jim Carrey did good in this not comedy role. He was very dramatic and lifelike which caught me by surprise. I think this movie will diversify Jim to the point where he'll be able to take any role  he wants. This is not Oscar material, but it's a simple, well-crafted movie nonetheless, harking back to a different time when story, not effects or controversy, was what drew people to the movies.

5. 50 First Dates (2004)  

***An Entertaining Romantic Comedy For All***

"Henry: Can I ask you guys something? What's gonna happen down the line? Someday she's gonna wake up and look in the mirror and notice her face's aged 10 years overnight.

Marlin: You know something, Henry? I worry about that every day of my damn life."

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore star this movie. "50 First Dates" is set in Hawaii and tell the story of a vet doesn't believe in love, until he meets this very lovely lady by accident in place he never visited before. However things become complicated when he finds out who she really is.

The film being set in Hawaii just adds to the overall romantic feel, and the music accompaniment also creates a beautiful feeling. Although there is comedy, this is not the main focus and thanks to Adam Sandler's perfect comedic timing, it does not take away from the overall romantic feel of the film, but instead it enhances it.

4. Dark Victory (1939)

***A Melodrama's Emblematic Film Of The Classic Stage***

"Judith: Nothing can hurt us now. What we have can't be destroyed. That's our victory - our victory over the dark. It is a victory because we're not afraid."

Edmund Goulding directs Bette Davis again, a melodrama again, though this time without a happy ending. Judith Traherne (Bette Davis) is a self-absorbed socialite who dabbles in horses. When a surgeon (George Brent) discovers she has inoperable cancer, he opts not to tell her. Judith and the doctor fall in love and plan to marry, but his secret weighs heavily on his heart.

"Dark Victory" is filmed in a film-noir style that predates the emergence of that genre by several years. George Brent and Geraldine Fitzgerald are also give wonderful performances in supporting roles, and they are supportive roles because this film has one star and that star is Bette Davis.

3. Random Harvest (1942) 

***An Emotionally Satisfying And Classic Love Story***

"Smithy: Paula, it's - it's a lot of nerve, but - I'm - I've fallen in love with you. I'm asking you to marry me, on a - on a check for two guineas.

Paula: Smithy, don't ask me, please. I might take you up on it. I'm just that shameless. I've run after you from the very beginning; you know I have. I've never let you out of my sight since I first saw you in that little shop."

"Random Harvest" story is a sweet tale of a amnesia suffering soldier (Ronald Colman) wandering from a hospital after returning from WW1 and happening upon Greer Garson and she takes care of him and love follows. In a miracle of casting, they are absolutely perfect together despite the fact that they were never really in contact with each other during the film's production. The dialogue is clever and almost never descends into banality.

And the film's finale is unforgettable and makes the film worthy of deeming this as one of the  greatest classic film tearjerker. Make sure you have some tissues handy during this part! I doubt that there has ever been a more emotional ending in any other classic film.

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

*** A Warm Hearted And Feel Good Kinda Movie For All***

"You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story."

"Our memories makes us who we are. You can't change the past."

While watching this movie i was amazed by Jim Carrey role as i said before it was not his usual kind of comic role yet he performed it superbly. Here's the basic plot. "Eternal Sunshine" centers around the life of Joel (Jim Carrey) a shy, mild mannered man who is heart broken after splitting from his feisty, impulsive girlfriend, Clementine (Kate Winslet). A short while after their split, he meets her again while she is working at a library and he is stunned to find that she doesn't recognize him. He later finds out that the reason for this is that Clementine has had her memory of Joel wiped out completely. Dr Howard Mierwick (Tom Wilkinson) has performed an operation on her brain after Clementine visited his clinic to forget Joel. Much to Joel's distress, he decides to do the same, but during his operation he revisits memories of Clementine that he struggles to let go of.

This is a lovely movie and if you like originality with a sense of fantasy with a love story, then I suggest you see it. It's one of those films you'll want to see twice. Don't You Miss.

1. The Notebook (2004) 

***A Heart Melting And Beautiful Tribute To Love***

Young Noah: I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry.

Young Allie: Oh yes you are.

Young Noah: I could be fun, if you want. I could be pensive, uhh... smart, superstitious, brave? And I, uhh, I can be light on my feet. I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna be that for you.

Young Allie: ...You're dumb.

Young Noah: I could be that.

This was one of the greatest love stories that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. "The Notebook" portrays the story of a summer romance that turns into a romance never to be forgotten. Allie and Noah are the two lead characters and they are wonderful. You immediately fall in love with the characters and you want to follow every step of their doomed love story. There is such passion between Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, the chemistry shown on screen is great.

I cannot recommend enough this movie if you enjoy romance and drama, especially well acted, beautifully shot and effectively directed romance and drama, you will find yourself laughing at the very clever yet simple humor and roughly half an hour later crying at a very emotional scene. I recommend this movie to anyone with a heart. 

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Best Korean Heart Melting Romantic Movies

List of some of the Korean romantic comedy and drama movies i have seen. What i liked the most about the Korean movies is the way handle the cinematography and bring Life to each character so naturally. Believe me I have seen some of the best heart melting romantic movies and mind-blowing Mystery-thrillers so far...Strictly For Adults...

1. A Moment To Remember (2004)

***A Movie You Will Remember Forever***

"Love, Pain, Grief and Death"

I was blown away after watching movie. The story goes like this Beautiful Son Yae Jin (The Classic) and Jung Woo Sung (Musa - The Warrior, Mutt Boy) share A Moment to Remember! Su-Jin (Son Yae Jin) and Chol-Su (Jung Woo Sung) meet at mall. Su-Jin is exiting an affair with a married man, and Chol-Su is working for Su-Jin's father as a carpenter, and when they finally meet it's as if it was meant to be. Their love is affectionate and their marriage as close to perfect as can be...but is fate truly that kind? Su-Jin surprisingly contracts Alzheimer's disease, and the tragic struggle they face both threatens and strengthens their love. But for how long? As Su-Jin's memory begins to leaves her, the disease they face may turn out to be too much for even a love as strong as theirs. Believe me you'd really love this  movie..

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