New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

R.I.P.D. marks the first time that Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds have teamed up onscreen. In many cases, buddy cop comedies succeed or fail based on the chemistry of the two lead actors, and there wasn’t much in the trailer to suggest a significant spark between the two (unless you count the scene where Bridges mounts Reynolds and rides him to the ground).

Here's the new and fresh official R.I.P.D banners and posters for your desktop, twitter and Facebook.  CLICK FOR FULL SIZE IMAGE

New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

New Official Banners And Posters Of R.I.P.D - (Rest In Peace Department)

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