10 Supernatural Comedy Films with Religious Aspects

Do You Believe In God? Some people do and Some people don't. It's up to each individual to figure it out what they really believe in. People starts to believe in things when they are left with no choices or desperate to earn something...blah..blah...boring, isn't it?. let's get to the point i recently saw an Indian movie "Oh My God (2012)" which is based on a Indian religious play called Kanji Virudh (vs) Kanji, and with a story almost  similar to that of the Australian movie The Man Who Sued God (2001). It's a brilliantly crafted and intelligently portrayed religious comedy movie that questions the existence of god. I thoroughly enjoyed it. So i thought of list out a collection of similar movies of supernatural comedies with religious aspects that i have seen.  

Warning: Do Not Think Too Much It Could Hurt Your Brain...Just Have Fun.

1. Life of Brian (1979)

***A Laugh-Out-Loud And Funniest Movie Of All Time***

"Brian: No, no. Please, please please listen. I've got one or two things to say.

The Crowd: Tell us! Tell us both of them!

Brian: Look, you've got it all wrong. You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves! You're all individuals!

The Crowd: Yes! We're all individuals!

Brian: You're all different!

The Crowd: Yes! We're all different!

Man in crowd: I'm not...

Man in crowd: Shhh!

Brian: You've all got to work it out for yourselves.

The Crowd: Yes! We've got to work it out for ourselves!

Brian: Exactly!

The Crowd: Tell us more!" 

"Life of Brian", in my opinion, the best religious comedy movie ever made. Monty Python's Flying Circus knows how to do everything hilariously. Focusing on Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman), who gets mistaken for the messiah in Judea in 33 AD, the movie pokes fun at everything: Romans, Jews, imperialism, even extraterrestrials.

This movie is so incredibly clever and thought provoking that it's not surprising that it raised so many hackles. Plus, it's as fast paced and funny as a Marx Brothers movie without the musical breaks. You can watch it 20 times and you'll still sing at the end.

2. Bruce Almighty (2003)

***Jim Carrey As God , You Cannot Expect More***

" Bruce: First off, let me just add another congratulations to Evan Backstabber - pardon me, Bastard. Baxter, rather. It is good to see what someone with real talent can do when great opportunities are given to them instead of me. Anyway, I'm here with Katherine Hepburn's mom. Tell me, why did you toss the "blue heart of the ocean" jewel over the railing of Titanic? Did you feel bad at all letting Leo DiCaprio drown, while you were safe floating on the big door? Could you have taken turns, or were you just too afraid to freeze your big fat ass off? "

Bruce Nolan is a selfish and conceited man who does not think of the needs and wants of others and does not consider consequences of his actions. Bruce constantly complains about God and says that God is ignoring him and maybe even laughing at him. One day, Bruce meets God face-to-face and is given God's powers. Riots break out and things go just as bad for Bruce himself as he realizes what he has done.

Carrey is hilarious in the slapstick scenes being the Supreme Almighty and it has an interesting premise wherein he plays God. Many statements in the film can be quite thought provoking and even challenging, and I applaud Tom Shadyac for his effort in this movie. So, while far from perfect, definitely an amusing popcorn movie with a little bit of thought behind it.

3. Dogma (1999)

***Brilliant, Provoking, And Hilarious All The Way***

"Rufus: He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.

Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?

Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier... "

Dogma is a religious comedy about two angels Bartleby and Loki dropped down from heaven into Milwaukee for all eternity. One day discovering a way back to heaven by basically tricking God which could cause total chaos. So the Voice of God Metaron is sent down from heaven to inform the "Last Zion" Bethany, Metaron tells her the whole story telling her that before her journey she'll the need the help of two prophets who are Jay and Silent Bob.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are fantastic as a pair of renegade angels. The array of actors in this cast playing some pretty unlikely parts, such as George Carlin as a Cardinal and Chris Rock as the apostle Rufus, not to mention Selma Hayek and Alanis Morisette, make the movie.

4. Defending Your Life (1991)

***A Fine Romantic Comedy With Stunning Performance***

"Bob Diamond: For example, I use forty-eight percent of my brain. Do you know how much you use?

Daniel Miller: Forty... seven?

Bob Diamond: [LOL] Three."

"Defending Your Life", the simple premise is that we all live multiple lives on Earth, and each time we die, we go to Judgement City where we are evaluated. It isn't the traditional 'heaven or hell' decision. Instead, if we have overcome fear, we move on to something better, more complex. If not, we are sent back to Earth where we lead another life, and continue this cycle until we have demonstrated, to two judges, that we have overcome fear.

This movie shines with wit and wisdom and inventiveness. It features memorable performances from Streep and Torn. And Brooks the actor remains the best deliverer of lines written by Brooks, the brilliant screenwriter.

"Defending Your Life" is one of the more original and funnier looks at the afterlife. This is a must see for everyone.

5. Heaven Can Wait (1978)

***Classic, Lovely And An Amusing Romantic Film***

"Joe Pendleton: We don't care how much it costs, just how much it makes. If it costs too much, we charge a penny more. Would you pay more to save a fish who thinks?"

Desperate to return to the life he left behind, Joe and Heaven go on a quest to find a replacement body that Joe's soul can be deposited into. Joe wants a young, healthy body so that he can return to his career as a promising football star, but Heaven begs to differ and places him in the body of a Mr. Farnsworth, a fabulously wealthy and infamous corporate giant who was recently murdered by his cheating wife Julia  and lowlife partner Tony Abbott. Warren Beatty  was fantastic and extremely funny in the role of Joe Pendleton. His best buddy Max was played by Jack Warden. He was a laugh a minute. The lovely Dyan Cannon played the girlfriend Julia.

"Heaven Can Wait" was also nominated for 9 Academy Awards, of which he only won one. It's a shame we don't have the chance to see more from Warren Beatty because he certainly is a true talent.

6. Evan Almighty (2007)

***Simple, Funny And A Decent Family Comedy***

"Evan Baxter: I can't shave. Whenever I shave it just grows back!

Marty: That's what happens when you shave. But then you shave again!"

Bruce Almighty is better, but Evan Almighty deserves credit. This time around, congressman Evan Baxter has to build an ark before God punishes the world with a flood. Steve Carrell, shows his strong appeal and a high index of likability, as he portrays a character that could have been a farce and a silly joke. Carrell, gives his portrayal a solid base, combining plenty of sensitivity, intelligence, and some untapped star power. Everyone should at least like this film, many will love it (especially if your over 35 or so) but at least see it and let it pass it's message on to you in some way.

7. Oh, God! (1977)

***Simply Brilliant And George Burns At His Best***

"Jerry Landers: If you're God, how can You permit all the suffering that goes on in the world?

God: I don't permit the suffering - you do."

"Oh, God", Jerry (John Denver) is an assistant-manager for a produce store. He's a happy family man until God (George Burns) requests an audience. He has picked Jerry to carry his message of good will to an increasingly pessimistic world. But Jerry finds that people are difficult to convince, he even has trouble trying to make his family understand that God appears to him as a kindly old man.

George Burns plays a great part as does the rest of the cast.No one will be better than George Burns for this role. He is a comic genius. I'd say just watch this movie and you will love it!

8. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991)

***Unappreciated, Imaginative And Eccentric Fantasy***

"Bill: And over here, our bass player, the Duke of Spook, the Doc of Shock, The Man with No Tan, please say hello to Death himself, the Grim Reaper."

Bill and Ted are back, only this time an evil dude from the future has sent back an evil Bill and Ted to destroy them, thus destroying 'Wyld Stallions' and the basis for human society in the future. This time Bill and Ted have to travel through the afterlife 'Totally Bogus' and save humanity 'Excellent'.

It's a little stupid, but come on. If you enjoyed "Excellent Adventure", you should most likely have fun with "Bogus Journey". This was the movie before "Dude, where's my car?". Only this one is actually funny. Like I said, it's just a good time. It shouldn't be taken seriously and if you enjoyed the first one, you should like "Bogus Journey". It's just a funny movie with some memorable characters.

9. Oh, God! You Devil (1984)

  ***Love It, Only If Your George Burns Fan***

"God: You made a deal with the Devil. How dumb could you be?

Bobby Shelton: I didn't know it was the Devil.

God: You're not talking to your sixth-grade teacher, you know."

"Oh, God!" series is very good. When Satan said the contract was a trial period, that just shows how Satan likes to lie and manipulate. Even though George Burns is gone, I think they should make a fourth installment to the series and have Bill Cosby play the role of God and the devil.

Not as good as Oh God! but better then Oh God! Book II.  George Burns is so great, I believe the older and wiser he got, he just became that much more endearing to the public. Any one of the "Oh God" installments is terrific. Have a good time while watching it. It has some good slapstick and a good performance by George Burns. So enjoy.

10. Down to Earth (2001)

***Not A Best Comedy Film But Still It's OK***

"Lance Barton: My father's so cheap... that when we went to bed, he'd unplug the alarm clocks. "You can't tell time when you are asleep".

Well, if you're a Chris Rock fan, you'll enjoy it. I did. Rock accidentally gets killed by the people 'upstairs', so he gets put in a loaner body (fat, old, rich WHITE guy). Of course, he's still the same person inside, which causes some trouble. Greg Germann's character could have been more highly developed to add a sense of evil to a film that was too holy. Could have been much better, but considering it's an adaptation of an adaptation, Down To Earth was impressive enough to endure.

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Audrey Tautou - 10 Most Charmingly Cute French Films

Audrey Tautou is a french film "Sweetheart" actress who has done around 35 films in her enchanting career. She is well known for her scintillating performance in Amelie (2001), A Very Long Engagement (2004) and Venus Beauty Institute (1999). Audrey Tautou's films can be romantic, groundbreaking, sexy, fearless and fun. 

Her films are also famed for being poetic and philosophical on the subjects of love and desire. Her range of facial expressions alone is joyful to watch and ability to own the screen is simply a pleasure to watch. 

Whether she is sad, happy, shocked or even random, Audrey can seamlessly connect with the audience at its very core. 

10. Happenstance (2000)

  ***A Wonderful Film On A Chaotic Plot***

"The Destiny Man: You see, every detail, every gesture, as slight as it may be, reveals an infinity of truths and thus has an endless repercussion and grandiose effects."

"Happenstance" story concerns a young woman, Irene (Audrey Tautou) who is told, by a fellow commuter on a train, that she will meet her true love on that day. This occurs in the first few minutes of the film. The clever irony at this point is that Irene doesn't realize that the young man opposite (Gilbert Robin) may be that 'one true love'. And, nor does he...

We get to see a different side of Audrey Tautou's spectrum than the naive, wide-eyed dreamer we're familiar with... Here, she's a bit cynical, certainly a realist, and at times, rather self-centered. Her eyes and head hang a little low, and the pixie we watched in Amelie practically disappear.

9. Hunting and Gathering (2007)

***Thoroughly Enjoyable, Hunting And Gathering***

"Love might be closer than you think." 

It begins in a quite French comedy way. It's the cleaning girl who lives under the roof, the extremely nerdy young Parisian aristocrat and the young soft macho chef aspirant. They come together and it could have been both entertaining and thought inspiring. The narrative is quite plain actually, with every conceivable development being very predictable. That means no quirky twists and turns for the sake of it, and it actually allows you to shift to lower gears to enjoy this outing.

This is a great romantic fable, hugely fun, and should appeal to anyone who wants a thoughtful yet enjoyable trip to the cinema.

8. Coco Before Chanel (2009) 

***Absorbing, Elegant And Powerful Work***

"Étienne Balsan: A woman who cuts her hair, is about to change her life."

"Coco Avant Chanel" presents a different set of problems for the reviewer. The performances are very well done, especially Andrey Tautou's performance in the lead role of Gabrielle Coco Chanel, the unorthodox and somewhat cold fashion designer whose uncompromising vision brought dramatic changes to women's fashion. The E original character didn't have the interesting ups and downs and emotional breakdowns to provide that depth but otherwise, this is a great, well-made biopic that can be appreciated by an audience far wider than those purely interested in Chanel, the brand or her legacy.

7. Beautiful Lies (2010)

***Quite Underrated, Refreshingly Heart Warming Film***

"Sometimes a little white lie can change everything."

Tautou plays Emilie , an owner of a beauty salon who receives a hand written love letter from a shy handyman. She dismisses the passionate letter at first, but when she realizes that her mother is still distraught over the betrayal of her father, she decides to resend the letter to cheer the upset woman up. What follows is a series of misunderstandings and an awkward love triangle involving a man caught between two women who are mother and daughter. As an outwardly harsh businesswoman plagued by loneliness, fear and insecurity, Tautou is excellent. Jean is buffeted around by lies in a way that's more bleak than funny.

6. He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not (2002)

***Immensely Likable, If You Are Crazy About Audrey***

"Every love story has two sides."

"Is she crazy in love, or just crazy?"

Audrey Tautou displays depth in her portrayal of a young woman who is struggling to keep her relationship with a married doctor. The first half of the movie is shown from her character's point of view. Then the director made an interesting choice as to cinematically "Rewind" the film to the beginning to show the movie from the perspective of the doctor.

Tautou does a brilliant job of using her cute reputation to surprise us she becomes more extreme and slowly wrecks her life. The film as a complete piece of work more than overcomes any such minor shortcomings. Take it for what it is and the film will reward, that's an enjoyable and sometimes shocking work, designed to entertain and engage in some vaguely thought-provoking levels.

5. Venus Beauty Institute (1999)

***A Fantastic Film With Simple Story And Performance***

"Angele: When you smile I find you handsome.

Jacques: That's because you know my soul."

This story revolves around the employees of a beauty shop in Paris. It's not quite an ensemble piece because there is a main character. Nathalie Baye plays a 40-year-old woman, Angele, who is going from one feeling to another. Angele doesn't believe in love anymore.  Audrey Tautou plays Marie, another worker at the salon, and she's a plain country girl who starts having an affair with a much older man. Mathilde Seigner plays Samantha, who is tough on the outside and has lots of boyfriends, but is hurting inside.

While the story is mainly a romantic comedy, there is some drama. The story does a good job of keeping the comedy and serious drama from running into conflict with each other. And unusual for a comedy, the story doesn't stray from plausibility for the sake of humor, but the comedy is still strong.

4. Priceless (2006)

***Ravishing, You Will Fall In Love With Audrey's Role***

"Irene: But charm is more valuable than beauty. You can resist beauty, but you can't resist charm." 

Tautou Is living like a high profile gold digger looking for a rich person Marry and she is sleeping with any person for expensive gifts and Clothes. A waiter funnily falls in love with her and since he cannot Afford her lifestyle, he quits his job, finds a rich old woman Supporting him in exchange of being together with her. Audrey As Irene is charmingly sexy and beautiful. The chemistry between Tautou's character Irene and Elmaleh's Jean is perfect. They just go With each others flow and doesn't upstage one another. It is hugely Enjoyable and utterly charming.

3. Dirty Pretty Things (2002)  

  ***A Well Crafted Social Drama And Impressive Work From All***

"The Doctor: How come I've never seen you people before?

Okwe: Because we are the people you do not see. We are the ones who drive your cabs. We clean your rooms."

"Dirty Pretty Things", tells the story of Night Hotel manager Okwe. Showing how he unsuccessfully juggles working all day and night the film begins as a drama, but soon changes gears. A slow burning relationship with maid Senay, a Turkish immigrant, combines with a gruesome discovery of a human heart in the lavatory. It's not a thriller in the traditional sense. There are no big action or unrealistic twists. Instead, it uncovers a human tragedy that is more devastating and complex than most thrillers approach.

Audrey Tautou was surprisingly believable as a Muslim Turk. Although she has appeared in several films recently, she doesn't seem to have been burnt and probably avoided being typecast in her fabulous Amelie.

2. A Very Long Engagement (2004)

***Wonderful Cinematography And A Beautifully Portrayed Film***

"Mathilde: If I don't break the peel, Manech is alive."

"Narrator: Mathilde leans back against her chair, folds her hands in her lap, and looks at him. In the sweetness of the air, in the light of the garden, Mathilde looks at him. She looks at him... She looks at him..."

"A Very Long Engagement", a youthful and hopeless romantic played by Audrey Tautou who anxiously awaits the return of her fiance from war. Two years after the death notice arrived she maintains hope that her childhood sweetheart, Manech , disappearance. She encounters a myriad of wounded soldiers as well as the wives and lovers of Manech's comrades. As the mystery is alive. Mathilde sets out on a quest to unearth the details of her supposedly dead fiance's sudden unfolds the question is constantly restated, "Well is he alive or isn't he?"

Marked by beautiful cinematography and a poetic script, A Very Long Engagement is a finely crafted masterpiece. The movie has another Jeunet's feature: comedy. There good scenes with hilarious situations and as the same way he did in Amelie, he combined perfectly drama, intrigue and comedy. I recommend to everyone to watch this film and have a good time.

1. Amelie (2001)

  ***Cute, Innocence, And A Delightful French Film Ever***

"Amelie: It's better to help people than garden gnomes."

"Narrator: On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amelie Poulain was born."

Audrey Tautou is perfect as the angel faced Amelie who is a somewhat oddball and takes delight in the small things in life - putting her hand in a sack of grain or skimming stones on the water. She decides to turn people's lives for the better and ends up doing things such as matchmaking her colleague with a broken hearted stalker, punishing the nasty fruit and vegetable store owner for mistreating an employee and at the same time, falls in love with a guy who is almost as weird in her in terms of his pastimes.

Amelie is a wonderful movie. It is so refreshingly different from so many other French movies. Amelie barely speaks throughout the whole movie, and yet the viewer feels her every emotion and always knows exactly what she is thinking. She is quirky and fun, and this movie is great for anyone who has ever had trouble communicating with the outside world. It's just plain and simply great to watch and ponder on the fine and lovely world of Amelie.

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10 Unbelievably Funny - Body Switch Comedy Movies

This is a list of 10 most unbelievably hilarious movies about Body Switching (or Body Swapping). I do not know how many of you have seen body switching movies. It's one of the oldest genre, to be exact it all started with movie "Turnabout (1940) - A Sex-Switch Comedy" and it's mere humor fantasy and brilliance of human imagination. These movies are often comedic/sometimes brainless and slapstick in tone . How is it possible?. Filmically, Everything is possible. So, Just Watch It and Enjoy It....

1. Being John Malkovich (1999)

  ***Imaginative, Insanely Brilliant And Dark Comedy***

"Craig Schwartz: There's a tiny door in my office, Maxine. It's a portal and it takes you inside John Malkovich. You see the world through John Malkovich's eyes... and then after about 15 minutes, you're spit out... into a ditch on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike.

Maxine: Sounds great! Who the fuck is John Malkovich?"

"Being John Malkovich" story, about a puppeteer named Craig (John Cusack), who founds by chance in his office a portal to John Malkovich's head, has a wonderful surrealism. The screenplay is a explosion of originality, mixing delightful absurd elements with very, very funny comedy and some drama.

Catherine Keener is awesome, John Cusack and Cameron Diaz perfectly fill up screen space and John Malkovich is outstanding, playing many different versions of himself. But, it's mostly the script that gets the biggest ticks in this film.

This is not a comedy, just outrageously hilarious. It's kind of a love story, but again, not like any you've ever seen or conceived of. It's refreshingly ultra-strange.

2. Big (1988)

***Sweet And A Delightful Fantasy-Comedy Film***

"Young Josh: I wish I were big. " 

"Interviewer: Where did you go to school?

Josh: It was called George Washington.

Interviewer: Oh G.W. My brother-in-law got his doctorate there. Did you pledge?

Josh: Yes. Every morning."

Tom Hanks is 'Josh Baskin', a frustrated thirteen year old who has his wish to be big granted, and then finds himself dealing with life as an adult. Hanks' performance is magical as he portrays the frightened young boy trapped in a world of grown ups.

Penny Marshall's film is perfectly balanced, and the comedy is wonderfully hilarious, a long way better than "Awakenings". Worth your while if only to watch the infectious performance from Hanks, this movie is really neat!

Steven Spielberg was set to direct "Big" but eventually backed down. He'd make a very similar, though wholly intolerable, film with "Hook" some years later.

3. All of Me (1984)

***Crazy And A Great Physical Comedy By Steve Martin***

"Roger: Just because my grandfather didn't rape the environment and exploit the workers doesn't make me a peasant. And it's not that he didn't want to rape the environment and exploit the workers, I'm sure he did. It's just that as a barber, he didn't have that much opportunity."

Steve Martin is a frustrated lawyer who is at the end of his tether when the unthinkable happens, he is forced to share his body with the soul of a late, rich and obnoxious client (Lily Tomlin). Martin's manic performance is hilarious, and along with a good supporting cast, they all put on a very likable show.

Steve Martin gives the most physical performance of his career as he has to adequately portray a man whose body is split into two people, and the great thing is, that at no point does the illusion wear off. Steve performs both roles superbly well. Lily Tomlin is wonderful & compliments Martin very well. This is a perfect reminded of how good some films from the 80's are and it still remains a standout and funny film.

4. The Change-Up (2011)

***Definitely Not A Unique Plot But Very Entertaining***

"Mitch Planko: Life doesn't always turn out exactly how you planned it. Sometimes, just sometimes, it turns out better. "

Everybody just adores the body-switching comedy! Only this time, it's family man Jason Bateman and bachelor Ryan Reynolds doing the classic "switch-a-roo"! Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds play Dave and Mitch, a bunch of best buddies that both dream about having each others lives.

Justin Bateman & Ryan Reynolds were hilarious & you could tell they had fun making the movie. The language & nudity fit the R rating,but this added to the movie. The Change is a true adult comedy and it should not be missed by either couples or bachelors with a good sense of humor.

5. Freaky Friday (2003)

***Disney's Absolute Wild And Whacky Comedy Flick***

"Tess (in Anna's body): You pierced your navel?

Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, I... meant to talk to you about that.

Tess (in Anna's body): When did you do this?

Anna (in Tess's body): At Maddie's cousin's sweet 16.

Tess (in Anna's body): Well, when you get your body back, it's grounded. "

"Freaky Friday" plot  is quite insane, A mother and daughter who are complete opposites go out for a Chinese dinner and the waitress puts a curse on them. The next morning, they have switched bodies. The mother is now the daughter in the daughters body and vice verse.

The soundtrack's pretty cool and showcasing a then almost unknown Lindsay Lohan who delivered a great performance. Add that with Jamie Lee Curtis' charm that only she can deliver, and you got a winner. Undoubtedly worth watching if this type of movie appeals to you, but equally a nice surprise for those who it wouldn't normally.

6. 17 Again (2009)

***Lovely And Zac Efron's Best Performance Till Date***

"Mike O' Donnell: When you're young everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not; it's just the beginning. You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you."

"17 Again" plot finds Matthew Perry a lonely man whose life is falling apart. His wife wants a divorce and he has a terrible relationship with his kids. However, when a bizarre other-worldly janitor puts some sort of magical spell or curse on him, he suddenly become 17 once again. In this new role, he decides to go back to high school and help his kids. It seems that his son is a lonely wimp and his daughter is a bit of a tramp--dating the scum-bag that regularly beats up her brother.

Zac Efron who played the teenage Mike O'Donnell was very good in the role.Matthew Perry was good as the Adult Mike O'Donnell,but his role was fairly limited. A very good comedy movie if you are looking for.

7. It's a Boy Girl Thing (2006)

***A Very Good High School Fantasy Comedy Film***

"Woody: So we've got the wrong lives, but sometimes you just got to get on with life. Let things fall into place. "

"It's a Boy Girl Thing" story is about a boy and girl – who are also neighbors and study in the same school, same class and hates each other. Things start changing when the boy and girl switch bodies. They still continue dis-liking each other, but adjust to the fact of living like that; till they find a certain likeness and compatibility that ends up in love.

Armstrong and Zegers have a cute chemistry and their individual performances were delightful. I have to say as far as teen Comedy type movies this is almost ranks as high as the extremely underrated "The Girl Next Door" that has me rolling around the floor every time i watch it.

8. 13 Going on 30 (2004)

***Nothing New About Plot But Still Enjoyable***

"Jenna: Wait, listen to me. I'm 13!

Lucy: Jenna, if you're gonna start lying about your age, I'd go with 27."

"13 Going On 30" movie is about a 13 year old girl who has no friends only a guy who fancies her and she hates her life so much. For her birthday her best friend gives her a doll house and magic wishing dust so when she goes into the closet after her party turns out to be a total nightmare she wishes to be 30 flirty and thriving.

Jennifer Gardner brings an innocence to this movie that is delightful. It was so much fun to watch. It's actually a charming film that I'm sure you'll enjoy. It was very cute and had some very funny moments.Recommend to anyone who loves to watch something that makes you smile. It's a very feel good movie.

9. The Hot Chick (2002)

***Quite Underrated And Pretty Solid Comedy Film***

"Jessica (Clive): Hildenburg, I'm sorry I humiliated you in front of the whole school and the visiting eighth graders, but you have no idea what it's like... to wake up every morning... and have to shave your chin.

Hildenburg: Yes, I do."

 In this body swapper a small time crook swaps places (and problems) with a cheerleader. It is essentially a vehicle for Rob Schneider to play a very masculine looking cheerleader, and he pulls it off with just the right amount of overacting. He's not going to win an Oscar for it, but then he can always play a hooker or battered wife for his next role.

Rob Schneider acting like a woman well he's superb. Besides it's top two actors there's quite few others as well,one being Rachel McAdams who is also excellent in The Wedding Crashers and The Family Stone. I laughed all throughout this movie. I can't say that for many others. I recommend everyone see it.

10. Vice Versa (1987) 

  ***Simple, Funny And Vice Verse***

"Marshall: This is the woman who I couldn't live with as a husband, and now I'm going to be her son."

Businessman Judge Reinhold and his young son Fred Savage end up transforming into each other in this silly little comedy that is short on laughs. Another sub-genre here that became vastly popular in the late-1980s with several below average productions that are stupid more than anything else.

As a harmless, mildly diverting, rainy afternoon movie this does just about enough to keep you pleased. As a body swap movie to rival some of the others mentioned, it just doesn't make the grade.

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Ten Ultimate Kids Comedy Feature Films

This is a list of top ten ultimate kids (Children's) comedy feature films. Directing children in a movie is not exactly the easiest job in the world. It takes a whole lot of effort from director to make the child or children to understand about the story and their roles. But when it comes to comedy films it's a lot easier to bring out the best in a child or children. Because I believe that kids are more comfortable doing comedy than emotional part. These movies are neither based on high school plot nor top rated all time best films but they are very enjoyable, childish, relaxing, refreshing, family entertainer and sheer delight watch kids perform so amazingly.

1. The Goonies (1985)

1. The Goonies (1985)

  ***Feel Good, Great Fun And Classic Adventure***

"Elgin Perkins : Is your mommy here?

Brandon Walsh : No, sir. Actually, she's out at the market buying Pampers for all us kids."

"Andy : I can't tell... if it's an "A sharp" or if it's a "B flat"!

Mikey : Heh, if you hit the wrong note, we'll all "B flat!"

"The Goonies" is a film about a group of boys, Mikey Walsh (Sean Astin), Lawrence 'Chunk' Cohen (Jeff Cohen), Clark 'Mouth' Devereaux (Corey Feldman), Richard 'Data' Wang (Jonathan Ke Quan), who go on an adventure to find hidden treasure. The boys are followed by Mickey's brother Brand (Josh Brolin), Stef (Martha Plimpton) and Andy (Kerri Green). Through their adventure they meet twisting passages and outrageous booby-traps.

The acting is fabulous. This film jump started the careers of Sean Astin and Josh Brolin. The three bad guys were evil enough. The kids are likable. The music and the special effects are good, not the best. Spielberg came up with a great idea and Richard Donner directed a good movie. It's a must-see for anyone who enjoys a good comedy adventure.

2. Home Alone (1990)

2. Home Alone (1990)

***Smart, Intelligent And 100% Entertainment Guaranteed***

"Kevin McCallister: This is my house, I have to defend it."

"Kevin McCallister: I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button, which I never did before but sort of enjoyed. I washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape. "

"Home Alone" plays on the scary scenario every kid fears at some point in their life. Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) is forgotten at home in Chicago when his family rushes off to the airport for their trip to Paris. Soon after, Kevin is visited by home invaders Marv (Daniel Stern) and Harry (Joe Pesci) and it's up to him to stop them.

"Home Alone" is a pretty charming little family comedy that does have quite a bit of heart to go along with all of the farce and slapstick. This material is indeed pretty funny, with Pesci and Stern playing their slow witted lowlife criminals for all that they're worth; some of their facial expressions and reactions are just hysterical. The music is very well Done and the setting really give you the feel of a true Christmas classic. If you haven't watched this film yet then definitely check it out

3. Little Nicholas (2009)

3. Little Nicholas (2009)

***Refreshing And Delightfully Entertaining***

"If there is one certainty in life, it's that nothing is so perfect, it can't ruined by a girl"

"Little Nicholas", the boy Nicolas (Maxime Godart) does not know what he wants to be when he grows up since he is very happy with his mother (Valérie Lemercier), his father (Kad Merad) and his schoolmates. Nicolas partially overhears the conversation of his parents about a dinner party for his father's boss and he misunderstands, believing that his mother is pregnant and his parents want to get rid of him. Nicolas tells his friends and they decide to hire a gangster to vanish with the baby, But they need to raise the money first.

This is a very entertaining movie. Loved the opening credits were very creative. Kids looked adorably innocent when they are discussing about grave issues, which are actually mostly imaginary. Good background music too.Well crafted by creative minds, and great story.

4. Heavy Weights (1995)

4. Heavy Weights (1995)

***Very Funny, Warmhearted And Heavy Weights***

"Tony Perkis: Attention campers. Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it."

"Tony: Congratulations. You've just joined the 76 percent of Americans who forget to stretch before physical activity."

"Heavy Weights" story tells about a group of boys sent to a fat camp for the summer are in for a rude awakening. Though fearful of what kind of physical rigor he might expect from 'fat camp' Gerry, somewhat of the main character here, he is surprised to find that it is mostly fun and games in the summer sun. But when the owners of the paradise (played by husband and wife, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara) sell the camp to psycho fitness fanatic, Tony Perkis (Ben Stiller) , life at 'fat camp' becomes pure hell for the boys.

This is a great, light-hearted family film. Ben Stiller gives an incredibly funny performance as Tony Perkis, an aspiring informercial guru. The scenes where he takes the campers on a 20-mile hike are priceless! His response to the campers pleading to just have some fun is brilliant. Highly recommendable for anybody wanting to watch a pure comedy and/or Stiller fans. 

5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)

5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)

***Enjoyable And A Great Comedy Film For All Ages***

"Rodrick Heffley: You never sign up for anything at school. You fly below the radar! That way you never raise anybody's expectations."

"Angie Steadman: You know, I like your point of view. You should sign up for the school paper. We are the voice of the people. Well, the people are mostly idiots so technically speaking we're the voice of the people making fun of the people.

Greg Heffley: Thanks, but I can't be on the paper because I'm going to be in the paper a lot. It would be a conflict of interest.

Angie Steadman: You're the people. Got it."

"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" film focuses on Greg Heffley, an average kid who is just starting middle school. His best friend is Rowley, a wimpier kid who is interested in "Sesame Street" more than girls (as quoted by Jeff Kinney). For some reason, Rowley is becoming more popular than Greg. As he is battling a stubborn girl that brings to mind Rachel Berry, his older brother, and a piece of cheese, he must battle himself and learn to accept Rowley.

The characters were all really great, and you can really connect with Greg as everyone has gone through the hell hole known as school. So it has great resonance with all ages.

6. The Parent Trap (1998)

6. The Parent Trap (1998)

***Really Amusing And A Good Family Film***

"Hallie Annie: You wanna know the *real* difference between us?' 'Let me see... I know how to fence and you don't... Or I have class and you don't. Take your pick."

Hallie Parker (Lindsay Lohan) is an American girl who lives with her father in a viniculture farm in California and never met her mother. Annie James (Lindsay Lohan) is an English girl who lives with her mother in London and never met her father. One day, in a summer camp, they are introduced to each other and they find they are twins. They decide to switch places to have a chance to meet their mother and father.

Young star Lindsay Lohan shines in her breakout role while Richardson and Quaid have great chemistry despite limited time on screen.Overall,it this light comedy is sweetly timed, the direction smart and assured, and the visuals bright, colorful, unobtrusive and faultless.

7. The Little Rascals (1994)

7. The Little Rascals (1994)

***A Very Cute And Childish Comedy Movie You Will Ever See***

"The Rascals: We are he-man woman haters/ We feed girls to alligators/ Our clubhouse burned down mighty low/ But we've got a plan to make some dough! "

"Stymie: I... Stymie... Member in good standing of the He-Man Woman Haters Club... Do solemnly swear to be a he-man and hate women and not play with them or talk to them unless I have to. And especially: never fall in love, and if I do may I die slowly and painfully and suffer for hours - or until I scream bloody murder. "

"Loyalty is very essential to the members of the He-Man Woman Haters club." Little Alfalfa (Bug Hall) is in a group of girl-hating little boys, and they find out about his upcoming romantic date with Darla (Brittany Ashton Holmes), and they sabotage him. Meanwhile a new rich kid Waldo (Blake Ewing) has just moved in and Darla finds him quite appealing, so Alfalfa is down in the dumps. Hopefully the up-coming go-cart race is a chance for Alfalfa to get his lady back, in addition to beat Waldo, and bond with his child pal Spunky (Travis Tedford).

The best aspect is the humor. The jokes are a combination of hilarious and over-the-top at the same time. It's not the greatest movie I've seen, but still a hilarious comedy and is easily underrated. If you want to see a movie that has reminded you of your childhood life, check this one out and watch it again and again forever. 

8. Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)

8. Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)

***Hilarious And A Good Family Comedy Drama For All***

"Tom: You were checking me out, weren't you?

Kate: Yes, I was. You got a problem with that?

Tom: Twelve kids later and we still got the heat.

Kate: Whoo! "

"Lorraine: Are you sure we're going to fit in here, dad?"

In "Cheaper by the Dozen", Tom (Steve Martin) and Kate Baker (Bonnie Hunt) have a Baker's dozen--children, that is. When Tom, a football coach, gets a job offer to coach a college football team just outside of Chicago, and Kate's book about raising 12 children finally gets a publishing offer, they see bright things for their future. The only problem is that their 12 children do not want to move from their rural Illinois home, and things become nearly disastrous when Kate has to leave for a couple weeks to promote her book.

"Cheaper by the Dozen" is a great movie and is a good laugh for everyone who sees it. I think that any family that has trouble getting along who see this movie will definitely realize that there are other families out there with way more problems.

9. Daddy Day Care (2003)

9. Daddy Day Care (2003)

***An Amusing And Heartwarming Murphy Movie***

"Mrs. Gwyneth Harridan: Rock for Daddy Day Care... Do you know what this means?

Jenny: A... chance to prove ourselves in a little healthy competition?

Mrs. Gwyneth Harridan: No, you bubble-headed idiot. It's a deathwish."

"Daddy Day Care" is an Eddie Murphy movie about a man and his friend who are fired from their cereal-making jobs after making a putrid cereal. So, they decide to open up a daycare to support their families. The daycare steadily grows, so this worries their competition, Miss Harridan. So, she calls the childcare officer twice, and both times they slide out. But, the third time he tells them that they need to get a bigger building.

Eddie Murphy's charisma and humor serve him perfectly here. He's not too over the top, but not too restrained either. It's light, it's easy-going and just a nice family movie for the parents and the kids of all ages to just sit down and enjoy. Give it a break, it really is quite cute.

10. Problem Child (1990)

10. Problem Child (1990)

***A Decent Childhood Comedy Film***

"Little Ben Healy: We've adopted Satan!"

"Martin Beck: I drove over a thousand miles, to hang out with a seven year old.

Junior: I'm going to be eight in two weeks.

Martin Beck: Don't count on it. "

Junior is an orphan. Abandoned by his parents, he did the rounds at various homes, never staying at one place for too long because he never fit in, or rather- he was as one character says- 'wicked'. Junior finds himself at a Convent school where he soon starts trouble. The Administrator, Peabody sees that the Nuns want to get rid of him, and when he hears that a husband and wife who can't have kids are looking for a child to adopt, he cons them into taking Junior with them.

For all round laughs they do not come much better, and every kid should see this. When you grow up though, don't hate it just because it seems childish and amateurish, love it as it should be loved.

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