Top 10 Action Films Based On Highflying Wire-Fu

What is Wire-Fu Action?. Simple, it's a mixture of "wire work" and "kung fu". These movies has plenty of raw action sequences performed through wirework and high flying kung fu stuff. Here, the ability of our hero's and villains to climb walls, to leap to the rooftops and soar from building to building , not to mention engaging each other in aerial combat that soars from the peak of a mountain top to the rocks of a mountain stream in a single take. Let's see the list of best action movies which features wire work-enhanced action sequences...

1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

***Breathtaking, Visually Stunning And High Flying Wu Xia***

"Sir Te: A sword by itself rules nothing. It only comes alive in skilled hands."

"Li Mu Bai: No growth without assistance. No action without reaction. No desire without restraint. Now give yourself up and find yourself again."

A swordsman Master Li Mu Bai (Yun-Fat Chow) returns to the woman he secretly loves, to tell her he's decided to give up the life of a warrior. As a token, he gives her his signature weapon, the Green Destiny sword, and asks her to deliver it to the governor in Beijing.

Ang Lee directs this epic chinese fantasy with real class, the film is amazing. The look, the sound, the story and characters, the music, the set design, especially the choreography of the fights is amazing. There is a real beauty to each and every frame of every scene thanks to the combination of Peter Pau's cinematography and Ang Lee's direction.

A romance, an adventure, a meditation on how the choices we make narrow our paths in life, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is one of the great films of our time.

2. The Matrix (1999)

***Immensely Entertaining , One Of The Best "Top Of The World" Sci-Fi Movie***

" Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

This is one of the most memorable scenes from the first Matrix movie.

This will blow your mind as Morpheos said to Neo. And guess what: he was right. This movie is action packed but not all special effects. There are some really intense action sequences that they were able to create not involving jumping off walls and shooting a huge bank full of people. Like when Neo goes into the Matrix for the very first time. Be prepared to learn something cool about one of the people. Although it does take a little while before Neo goes into the Matrix. A good hour and a bit. But he does some extraordinary things like the kungfu scene and his first jump. And even the first scene when Trinity is in. Whoho. You don't want to miss this. A good story and good special effects.

3. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 

***One Of The Bloodiest And Boldest Action Movie Ever***

"Bill: Do you find me sadistic? You know, I bet I could fry an egg on your head right now, if I wanted to. You know, Kiddo, I'd like to believe that you're aware enough even now to know that there's nothing sadistic in my actions. Well, maybe towards those other... jokers, but not you. No Kiddo, at this moment, this is me at my most...

Bill: masochistic.

The Bride: Bill... it's your baby..."

"Kill Bill" involves a nameless woman (Uma Thurman) who is slowing seeking revenge on her former hit squad the Viper Squad and her boss Bill (David Caradine.) Her former "The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad" hit squad wronged her by gunning down her closest friends and family during her wedding rehersal and gunning her into a coma while being pregnant. A few years later she wakes up in a hospital, without child, and tries to track down each member of the squad. As the story progresses, you find out who she really, why Bill wanted her dead and the fate of her daughter.

Quentin Tarantino has delivered to the screen a martial arts, tour-de-force, ultra-violent, cool-as-hell cinematic masterpiece. The fight scenes in this film are absolutely amazing, impossible but still amazing especially black mambas (thurman) fight with gogo yubari. Uma looked like a great fighter in this film, her trainers done a great job. Very entertaining and a fun adrenaline rush throughout!

4. Hero (2002)

***Astonishing Cinematography With Hard Hitting Martial Arts***

"Nameless: Broken Sword said "The people have suffered years of warfare. Only the King of Qin can stop the chaos by uniting all under Heaven."

Jet Li plays "Nameless" an assassin, deadly at 10 paces, sent to kill the emperor of Qin, a despot who uses whatever means available, including murder and pillage, to unite his country. Flying Snow (Maggie Cheung), Sky (Donnie Yen) and Broken Sword (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) are the Emperor's enemies whom Nameless must kill in order to win the Emperor's trust so that he can get close to him.

The cinematography and effects are truly the main characters in this film, but Jet Li turns in a quietly effective performance as Nameless, the hero of the epic tale that is part Greek tragedy and part ancient Chinese philosophy.
If you happen to admire a movie with an intelligent plot, fully realized characters and a wagon load full of passion, I can't think of a better movie to recommend. Hero is a visual symphony.

5. House of Flying Daggers (2004)

***A True Feast For The Senses And Beautiful Romantic Adventure***

"Jin: What's your name?

Mei: Mei

Jin: Mei?

Jin: Every girl here is named after a flower. Why is yours so plain?

Mei: I don't want to compete with those others girls. The flowers here can hardly be called flowers. Real flowers bloom in the wilderness."

Zhang Ziyi plays a blind dancer called Mei who is being suspected of being the daughter of the leader of the Flying Daggers, an organization aiming to overthrow the government. Jin (Takeshi Kaneshiro) is a playboy who is working with Leo (Andy Lau) to infiltrate the Flying Daggers, and Jin hopes that by tailing Mei, she will eventually lead him to her leader and organization. And Zhang Yimou's direction is masterful, done with panache and very poetic and artful.

"House of Flying Daggers" isn't quite a masterpiece, however it is a very good movie. The story and pace are gripping, the script is thoughtful, the music is haunting and Zhang Ziyi is electrifying. What really makes House of Flying Daggers such a treat are the visuals, fight sequences and the direction. The whole film is lavishly photographed complete with a lot of stunning scenery and lovely costumes.

6. Iron Monkey (1993)

***A Classic And Wonderful Martial Arts Film Ever***

"Iron Monkey: Don't take things too seriously, and you will always be at ease."

The corrupt officials of a Chinese province find themselves the target of Iron Monkey (Rongguang Yu), a sort of Chinese Robin Hood. When Wong Kei Ying (Donnie Yen) and a young Wong Fei Hung (Sze-Man Tsang) arrive in town, Kei Ying is forced to help the corrupt authorities track down Iron Monkey. Naturally, things get complicated when a group of Shaolin rebels arrive in town.

It has good actors, good photography, excellent story and great fighting, especially if you like wire works and fast paced kung fu. Yu Rong Guang and Donnie Yen shows some really good acting and Tsang Sae Man is perfect as a young Wong Fei Hung. if you can buy the flying around stuff, you'll enjoy it. No, seriously - its a good flick, and one I wouldn't mind watching again.

7. Kiss of the Dragon (2001)

***Jet Li's Splendid And Refreshing Action Film***

"Richard: There is a time for diplomacy and a time for action. Diplomacy is dead." 

"Kiss of the Dragon" movie is about a Chinese Intelligence officer (Jet Li) who goes to France with the help from the local police to get a Chinese guy who has been smuggling drugs. The Chinese guy is killed by the corrupt french detective Richard and tries to track Li down to get the tape of the murder back. Jet Li once again proves he is indeed an action superstar.

The fight sequences in "Kiss of the Dragon" are very well executed and choreographed. Probably the one fight I will remember would probably be the fight between Jet Li and the two blonde-haired henchmen, played by French actors Cyril Raffaelli and Didier Azoulay. So if you haven't seen this movie, I'd strongly suggest you do, especially if you are a fan of any sort of action films.

8. Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)

***A Solid, Haunting And Unique Adventure Film***

"Jean-Francois de Morangias: So tell me sir, do they speak of the beast in Paris?

Gregoire De Fronsac: Speak of it? They're already singing songs about it.

Geneviève de Morangias: Instead of singing songs, they should be saying prayers. "

"Brotherhood Of The Wolf" take place in France during the reign of King Louis XV in chronicles the hunt for a an unseen and unknown beast that has responsible for many deaths and has paralyzed the citizens with fear.two men with special talent are dispatched to find and destroy the monster.

The period in which it is set is pretty original especially since it poses as a true story although it is complete fiction. It is cleverly done, glorifies intellect over strength, and still somehow incorporates stylistic, ballet-like martial arts fighting.

9. So Close (2002)

***A Slick And Glossy Action Thriller For Everyone***

"Hong Yat Hong: A gun is like a bird. If you don't grab it tightly enough, it flies away. If you grab it too tightly, it will die."

"So Close" movie is about the lives of a pair of super human sisters, Lin (Shu Qi) and Sue (Zhao Wei), who are assassins for hire, and the super human Hong Kong Police detective, Hong (Karen Mok), who is trying to catch everyone of them. Lin does the killing while her younger computer savvy sister Sue assists her with the help of their father's satellite tracking software.

The cinematography on this film is beautiful enhancing the beautiful characters that fills the screen. All the props are stylish, and background well thought out to bring maximum beauty of the girls performing the action. I would definitely recommend it. If you like hot babes kicking some serious ass you should see this movie.

10. Romeo Must Die (2000)

***A Good Martial Art Film With Depth***

"Kai: I was afraid prison would make you soft.

Han Sing: People don't get soft in prison."

Han Sing (Jet Li) is an ex-cop who is sitting in a prison in Hong-Kong, when he hear that his brother is found and hanged in the US, Han escapes from prison and goes to America, where he is hoping to get his brothers killer. Meanwhile he falls in love with Trish (Aaliyah), but she is the daughter of the man that Han's father is in battle with . Han and Trish are trying to find out of why the to families fighting each other, without knowing that it will put them both in great danger.

This is not Jet Li's best movie, because he don't get to show of his best fighting skills. Even though Jet Li doesn't get to fight all the time,it is still an entertaining movie. If you're just after a brilliant kung fu film "Romeo must die" is a dream come true for you because it's visually incredible artwork, a real eye candy with a superb, stylish camerawork and highly choreographic fight scenes.

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Angelina Jolie - 10 Amazing Action Packed Thriller Films

Angelina Jolie is a well known American actress, producer and director. She is the best female "Goddess" action star in the film industry. She's hot and she knows how to kick serious butt. She achieved worldwide fame with video game heroine Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) and established herself as a leading action star. And she followed up with a series of action thriller stunner: Wanted (2008), Ms. & Mrs. Smith (2005), Salt (2010) and The Tourist (2011). Angelina Jolie does most of the stunt herself which can be seen in her movies. Her intelligence, knowledge of world affairs, and experience in foreign countries and war zones in real life that allows her to be so much more intense and interesting than most actors. Let's see Angelina Jolie's 10 most amazingly choreographed action thriller movies.

10. Cyborg (1993)

***Not Anywhere Near Angelina Jolie's Best***

"Casella 'Cash' Reese: Don't get dead."

"Cyborg 2" is set during the future in the year 2074 where two companies control the market in cyborg technology. The American based Pinwheel Robotics wants rid of its main competitor the Japanese based Kobayashi Electronics & develops a virtually undetectable explosive called Glass Shadow which is carried inside a state of the art cyborg named Casella 'Cash' Reese (Angelina Jolie) who is programmed to attend a Kobayashi conference & detonate killing all of its top executives & leading the way for a complete buyout by Pinwheel. Jolie is nothing special, but I fear that the majority of people who want to see this movie are only interested in one scene, I must warn you, every ten seconds or so the scene cuts to Jack Palance looking moody.

9. Hackers (1995)

***A Coolest Cyber Film And Angelina Shines***

"Kate Libby: Never send a boy to do a woman's job."

Hackers is a movie about a group of friends who are framed for setting up an oil tanker to spill over into the ocean, which is owned by a company that employs Eugene Belford or `The Plague' played by Fisher Stevens. Eugene has framed the group of hackers to throw off the powers that be to his illegal embezzling of his company's money. Angelina Jolie stole the show as she often does. Looking like a cyber-elf straight out of Shadowrun, she's sexy in a way most actresses these days can't manage.

The cast is fresh, the visuals and costumes striking and the score replete with catchy techno-hooks that add just the right flavor. It's the kind of movie that sucks you right into it's fantasy world and washes over you like an energy wave. It's not perfect so just forget the mistakes, and you will enjoy this one! Besides, Angelina Jolie is in it!

8. Gone In Sixty Seconds (2000)

***Totally Hot, Racey And Fantastic Action Film***

"Sway: I've got two jobs. I've discovered that you have to work twice as hard when it's honest."

Memphis has been set a challenge, he must steal fifty cars in one night otherwise local gangster Calitri will kill Memphis's brother, Kip. So Memphis must re-connect with his old crew to do the impossible. Nicholas Cage is brilliant as the older brother trying to help his younger brother; Angelina sizzles on screen as the sexy Sway; the rest of the cast provides satisfactory performances but it's great to see British veteran Eccelstone opposite Cage; his Calitri is very menacing. 

If you want to enjoy a film including amazing cars, an interesting and innovative plot and obviously if u want to see the beautiful Angelina Jolie, this is the film for you. The film gives you an interesting view into the life of modern and old school car thief's. The film always keeps you excited and might have some twists. 

7. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)

***You'd Love It If You Are Angelina Jolie's Fan***

"Lara Croft: Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs. Yin and Yang. Right and Wrong. Men and Women. What's pleasure without pain." 

Angelina Jolie returns as Lara Croft, a sexy adventurer that you should not mess around with. She joins former colleague Terry to find the Pandora's Box, a box of legend. But first, they have to get the orb that will guide them to the box from Jonathan Reiss, a scientist who wants to use the contents of the box to create incurable, devastating diseases.

The cast is top notch. Gerard Butler has chemistry with Angelina but his accent is a bit too thick in some parts to understand. Cirian Hinds is a dignified enough villain. Djimon Honsu is good in an real authentic looking African role. The film has plenty of action to satisfy an audience that wants to see a clear story, exciting stunts, beautiful and exotic locales, and one heroine that kicks. 

6. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

***An Engaging Sci-fi Fantasy With Brilliant Visual And Audio Work***

"Capt. Francesca 'Franky' Cook: What have you gotten me into this time, Joseph? 

Joe 'Sky Captain' Sullivan: Nothing you can't handle, Franky."

Famous scientists around the world have mysteriously disappeared and Chronicle reporter Polly Perkins (Gwyneth Paltrow) along with ace aviator Sky Captain (Jude Law) are on the investigation. Risking their lives as they travel to exotic places around the world, can the fearless duo stop Dr. Totenkopf, the evil mastermind behind a plot to destroy the earth? Aided by Franky Cook (Angelina Jolie), commander of an all-female amphibious squadron, and technical genius Dex (Giovanni Ribisi), Polly and Sky Captain may be our planet's only hope.

The acting on some fronts left a lot to be desired, and Angelina Jolie and Giovanni Ribisi were exquisite. Jude Law carried the lead role pretty well. You will need a large screen to take this landmark, visually stunning piece in - maybe even several times over.

5. The Tourist (2010)

***A Gorgeous, Visually Stunning And An Enjoyable Ride***

"Elise: 20 million dollars worth of plastic surgery. And that's the face you choose. 

Frank Taylor: You don't like it? 

Elise: It will do."

"The Tourist" stars Angelina Jolie(Elise) and Johnny Depp(Frank).Elise (Angelina Jolie) randomly sits next to an American tourist, Frank (Johnny Depp), on a train going to Venice. The police has been following Elise for two years waiting for her to contact her lover who embezzled over $2 Billion. Not only will they need to evade the police, but also the mobster whose money he stole.

Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp do an excellent job playing their characters. The one liners are also enjoyable and the whole film is stylish, in a great setting and smooth. The Tourist may not be an action packed blockbuster however it was entertaining and enjoyable to see Jolie and Depp step out of their comfort zone with respect to acting, and do very well in the other area.

4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

***A Great Couple Delivered A Full Action Packed Film***

"Jane Smith: Still"

John and Jane Smith (Pitt and Jolie, of course) are a happy married couple. After five or six years of marriage, they've gotten pretty bored with everything as they've built a marriage of lies, having the space between them build up to whatever they don't say to each other. We join them in a hilarious marriage counseling session at the film's opening act. However behind this marriage of silence and lies consists of both of them hiding their true identities of being the top assassins of their secret organizations. When both are after the same target , they get into each other's cross hairs and decide to take each other out. 

This film was a joy to watch! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's chemistry were magic. It was delightful to see them exercise their comedic skills. And then, to add Vince Vaughn to the mix was the frosting on the cake! The film's pacing was lightning fast, as needed for the broad farce it was meant to be. I've seen a lot of spy flicks and Mr. And Mrs. Smith is as crazy as it gets.

3. Evelyn Salt - Salt (2010)

***Popcorn Entertainment Nothing More Nothing Less***

"Evelyn Salt: What is your name?

Vassily Orlov: My name is Vassily Orlov. Today, a Russian agent will travel to New York city to kill the President. This agent is KA-12.

Evelyn Salt: The KA program is a myth.

Vassily Orlov: Don't you want to know the name?

Evelyn Salt: You're good. You can tell the rest of your story to one of my colleagues.

Vassily Orlov: Salt.

Evelyn Salt: Yes?

Vassily Orlov: The name of the agent is Evelyn Salt.

Evelyn Salt: My name is Evelyn Salt.

Vassily Orlov: Then you are a Russian spy."

The story told in the movie is fast-paced and full of action right from the very beginning, and there are some really nice twists and turns of events along the way. The story deals with Russian agents trained to infiltrate and sabotage USA, which seemed fairly nice enough. And we follow Evenlyn Salt as the main character.

The Plot is nothing special, but it works for the moment, Jolie and the other actors like Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Hunt Block and the other actors does a good job with their performances. Would recommend it to anyone and everyone. Do yourself a favor and base your judgement off the movie itself instead of the reviews because if you don't see it you will regret it!

2. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

***An Absolutely Smashing Action Packed Film***

"Lara Croft: Oh... very funny. 

Hilary: I'm only trying to turn you into a lady. 

Lara Croft: Mm... 

Hilary: And a lady should be modest. 

Lara Croft: Yes, a *lady* should be modest."

Every 5,000 years the planets in our solar system go into a planetary alignment. The night this alignment begins Lara finds a clock that has begun to count down. She now must finish her father's work and find the Triangle of Light. She is in a race against time to beat the Illuminati, a secret society, to this artifact that has the ability to control time and space.

The film is flashy and entertaining on a very simplistic level - just like the video game it is based upon. Angelina Jolie was the best possible Lara Croft. If you're looking for action, Tomb Raider has a great deal. Whether its in a very nice looking mansion or in an ancient temple in Cambodia. All the action scenes are well done and are not tiresome. The Visual Effects are mostly good. The cinematography is also beautiful in Cambodia.

1. Wanted (2008)

***Curved Bullet Mystery And A Perfect Entertainment***

"Sloan: Welcome... to the Fraternity. This gun you're holding belonged to your father; he could conduct a symphony orchestra with it."

When his father dies, Wesley Allan Gibson (James McAvoy) comes to find out that his father was a member of an elite group of assassins called The Fraternity. He is recruited by Sloan (Morgan Freeman) and trained by Fox (Angelina Jolie), The Repairman (Marc Warren), The Butcher (Dito Bakhtadze), and Gunsmith (Common) to assassinate his father's killer, Cross, who was once a member of the Fraternity but he betrayed them.

James McAvoy draws the audience in from the very beginning with his expert performance. His chemistry with Jolie is unrivaled in comparison with any on-screen duo in films. Angelina Jolie as Fox was perfect. I had never heard of the actor that played the lead prior to this movie, but I will definitely pay him more attention! I highly enjoyed their acting and the fight scenes were choreographed quite well.

"Wanted" doesn't disappoint and will keep you thoroughly entertained. I highly recommend it!

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10 Nerve-racking Single Room Suspense Thrillers

A current style towards well crafted, nerve-racking concept suspense thrillers that take place in just one location/single room, and the  fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces has truly peaked. The list of favorite mystery thrillers that take place in just one room/location..."Once You Are In, There Is No Way Out".

10. Buried (2010)

***As Poster Says - A Brilliantly Twisted Suspense***

"Paul Conroy: I'm buried in a box. I'm buried in a box!"

"Paul Conroy: I need one million dollars by nine o'clock tonight or I'll be left to die in this coffin!"

Ryan Reynolds is a civilian contractor in Iraq who drives trucks, but he is caught in an ambush and wakes up in a coffin buried somewhere in the desert, and all he has is a mobile phone and a zippo lighter. The question is how does he escape. Ryan Reynolds was quite brilliant, its definitely a departure from his more recent chick flicks.

Let's be honest : A movie with just one Actor, which also takes place in a coffin , should be a masterpiece to make you watch it without getting bored for even one second. Not even a single shot includes the world " Outside " and that means you are in the coffin with the character for about 90 minutes and you can feel him. His moves , his anger , and mostly his desperate need of help.

9. The Tenant (1976)

***Creepy As Hell And A Sardonic Psychological Thriller***

"Trelkovsky: If you cut off my head, what would I say... Me and my head, or me and my body? What right has my head to call itself me?"

"The Tenant" shares similarities with other Polanski films such as Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby. Polanski plays the role of man, who turns psychotic, while residing in an apartment unit whose previous tenant jumped out the window. The first two-thirds of the movie moves along slowly, but gets more interesting after that.

In contrast to "Rosemary's Baby", you don't get the final conclusion on a silver platter. The dismal paranoia thriller puts forward with a lot of appearances and a bit of reality. It's up to the viewer to adjust the multifarious hints given throughout the film.

8. Phone Booth (2002) 

***Simple, Innovative And Engaging All The Way***

"The Caller: You're in this position because you're not telling the truth.

Stu: No, I'm in this f***ing position because YOU HAVE A GUN!" 

"Phone Booth" plot is simple, a man held hostage in a phone booth by a sniper seems a bit dry in retrospect, but the duo of Colin Farrell and Kiefer Sutherland dazzle the screen with a fiery electricity that burns throughout the film.

Director Joel Schumacher uses bits of flashy camera-work here and there, but in no way does the film try to rely on it. No, the film is fully supported by the engaging dialogue. I highly recommend this film if you haven't seen it. It may be old but it is still good. Find out what real suspense is... In the phone booth.

7. Panic Room (2002)

***Fincher's Severely Underrated And A Sadistic Suspense Thriller***

"Junior: How do we get in to that room?

Raoul: Hey! What is funny about this?... Is this shit funny yo you?

Burnham: Well, I spent the last 12 years of my life building these rooms specifically to keep out people like us.

Junior: Ow, It's all so ironic and amusing, okay? Now, How do we get in?

Junior: We can't... we can't get in the panic room. That's the whole point. We have to get her to come out." 

"Panic Room", a mother and her diabetic daughter move into a chic Manhattan townhouse which has a panic room made expressly for emergencies. It so happens, it also contains bonds worth in excess of millions. Three thieves are after these bonds and will stop at nothing to get their hands on them. They break into the apartment, forcing mother and daughter to hide in the panic room while the daughter's medication is still on the outside.

David Fincher decided to follow his mind-blowing masterpiece "Fight Club" by directing "Panic Room." His greatest brilliance lies in cinematography (lighting and framing shots, camera movement and placement) and editing, and those aspects of course cannot be captured on paper.

David Fincher will one day be recognized as one of our greatest filmmakers, as long as he keeps making films like this.

6. Cube (1997)

***Intriguing Concept And A Striking Thriller Film***

"Worth: Hey! Listen to what I'm saying. We haven't been moving in circles, the rooms have."

"Leaven: This room moves to 0, 1, and -1 on the X-axis, 2, 5, and -7 on the Y and 1, -1, and 0 on zed.
Quentin: And what does that mean?
Leaven: You suck at math."

"Cube" is a philosophical/science-fiction masterpiece. Intense, compelling and claustrophobic, this movie is hypnotic throughout. A group of individuals is mysteriously ensnared in a deathtrap cube wherein to escape primal instincts and human emotions are examined and tested to the limit...and perhaps beyond.

It's an excellent view of the human element, more specifically how people react when placed in a stressful and life-threatening situation. For those who have not heard of this movie before may find this sounding familiar: The idea behind Saw. A must see for everyone, even no sci-fi movie lovers.

5. Saw (2004)

***Powerful, Sharp And Worth Watching Thriller***

"John: Hello, Mr. Hindle. Or as they called you around the hospital: Zepp. I want you to make a choice. There's a slow-acting poison coursing through your system, which only I have the antidote for. Will you murder a mother and her child to save yourself? Listen carefully, if you will. There are rules."

Two men wake up in an isolated room only to find themselves chained by their feet to walls from a distance from each other. Neither of them have any idea where they are, how they got there or who might have kidnapped them. Soon they discover clues as to what they need to do to survive this sick test, designed by a maniac who is referred to as the "Jigsaw".

One of the best thriller/mysteries to come out. This film just trapped me and engaged me from the beginning. The performances were first rate, the plot was perfectly crafted, the screenplay was written pretty carefully and crafted perfectly. The last 5 minutes of the movie will really shake you up. It is a must see movie, you cannot miss it.

4. Das Experiment (2001)

***Interesting, Intense And An Excellent Psycho-Thriller Drama***

"Tarek Fahd, Häftling Nr. 77: Test subjects wanted. Earn 4000 marks for a 14-day experiment in a simulated prison."

"Das Experiment" film is based on the Stanford Prison Experiment conducted in 1971 and the first part is somewhat faithful to how the experiment went. Of course this gives it the German Avant-garde treatment which makes it more interesting. The acting was good, especially Moritz Bleibtreu from Run Lola Run, and the others did a good job.

It's excellent on every level. The story is interesting and engaging, the performances are top knot, the prison location is suitably stark and oppressive. Not exactly a horror film - but I would definitely recommend this one to horror and action/drama fans as one of the more tense and suspenseful films I've seen in quite a while. Highly Recommended

3. Repulsion (1965)

***Roman Polanski's One Of The Best Psychological And Disturbing Thriller Ever***

"The nightmare world of a virgin's dreams becomes the screen's shocking reality!"

"Repulsion" Carol is a very attractive and beautiful girl who lives with her elder sister, and works in a beauty salon. She is a very reserved girl and always remains scared of men. Maybe something from her childhood, kept haunting her. Terrible things began to happen to her when she left alone in her apartment for 10 days, like claustrophobic hallucinations and she began to grew disturbing rape fantasies.

Catherine Deneuve's performance is fantastic--she plays it just right. Quite an accomplishment considering she was only 22 at the time! Roman Polanski's direction, beautiful black and white photography and effective use of sound really helps the film. Ahead of its time.

So just watch "Repulsion" and you'll see what a thriller movie can really be. And it just might save your life.

2. Misery (1990)

***Obsession, Gripping And Kathy Bates Best Performance***

"Annie Wilkes: I am your number one fan. There is nothing to worry about. You are going to be just fine. I am your number one fan."

"Annie Wilkes: MISERY IS ALIVE, MISERY IS ALIVE! OH, This whole house is going to be full of romance, O OOH, I AM GOING TO PUT ON MY LIBERACE RECORDS!"

A popular romance novelist crashes his car in a blizzard, but is luckily saved by homely nurse Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates, Water boy's Mom). She is his self-proclaimed number one fan, which he laughs off at first but soon discovers to be eerily true. As she nurses him back to health in her snowbound house, she discovers that the next book in her beloved Misery series is the last. The pure greatness of this film comes from her shift from caring adoring fan to psychotic captor.

KATHY BATES turns MISERY into one of the scariest horror films ever made from a Stephen King novel. It's a compact thriller with a plot that is never too complicated and characters that are just deep enough to make it an above average piece of entertainment if you like the King's brand of pulp fiction.

1. Rear Window (1954)

***Suspense And Alfred Hitchcock's At His Very Best***

"L.B. Jeffries: That's no ordinary look. That's the kind of a look a man gives when he's afraid somebody might be watching him."

"Stella: The insurance company would be much happier if you'd sleep in bed at night instead of in that wheelchair...Your eyes are all bloodshot. You must have been watching out that window for hours."

"Rear Window" is considered one of Hitchcock's classics, and is probably Jimmy Stewart's most popular Hitchcock Role. Stewart plays an adventure-seeking photographer who is laid up for seven weeks in his apartment with a broken leg. During this time, he has become vicariously involved with his neighbors; looking out his rear windows and following their lives. As the final week of his incapacity begins, he begins to suspect that one of his neighbors has killed his wife, and pretty soon his girlfriend (Grace Kelly) and nurse (Thelma Ritter) realize that he may be right.

The film is classy and the rich colors and ordinary setting are nicely in contrast with the action of all the main characters. The mystery is well delivered and engages in a gently dramatic fashion while the starry cast are impressive and interesting throughout.

An experimental visual exercise, a romantic drama, an examination of the cinema watching experience; and of course a witty, supremely acted and immaculately directed thriller. Much more than meets the eye!

Honorable Mentions:

There are so many films based on claustrophobic concept and It's hard to list out all of them at once. Check more similar movies like these: Pontypool (2008), Unknown (2006), 1408 (2007), Devil (2010), The Killing Room (2009), 13 Tzameti (2005), Exam (2009).

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