Watch Terrifying Footage From Blair Erickson's The Banshee Chapter

"The Banshee Chapter" is an upcoming 3D horror thriller film directed by Blair Erickson, starring Ted Levine, Katia Winter, Michael McMillian. Hits theatres on October 1st, 2013.  

Blair Erickson's The Banshee Chapter Terrifying Theatrical Trailer

Hit the jump to see the trailer and official synopsis:

Official Synopsis:

"The Banshee Chapter" centers on a female journalist (Winter) who follows the mysterious trail of a missing friend (McMillian) who had been experimenting with mind-altering chemicals developed in secret government drug tests. A fast-paced blend of fact and fiction, the story is based on real documents, actual test subject testimony, and uncovered secrets about covert programs run by the CIA."

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