How Much Do You Know About 'The Wolverine' From X-Men Films?

The X-Men franchise will be returning to theaters for at least the next two consecutive years with sequels to both spin-offs of the original live-action trilogy. The sequel to "X-Men: First Class" ("X-Men: Days of Future Past" hits theaters on July 18th, 2014.) is being filmed and the sequel to the not-so-awesome "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (The Wolverine) is going to hit theatres on July 26th, 2013.

How Much Do You Know About 'The Wolverine' From X-Men Films?

But in all the razzle dazzle of the silver screen, will we actually find out who Wolverine is? I doubt it. It’s been nearly 40 years since he debuted looking like a goof fighting the Incredible Hulk, and parts of his story are still shrouded in mystery to this day. Certainly no two hour movie can get the job done. But take a look back at how far we’ve come in those 40 years, take a look at the evolution of The Wolverine costume to boot! Enjoy both, below. 

How Much Do You Know About 'The Wolverine' From X-Men Films?

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