Hollywood To Adapt WikiLeaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning Into Movie

According to Variety, Hollywood is already planning a movie about WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who was found not guilty of “aiding the enemy” on Tuesday for his role in one of the biggest intelligence leaks in U.S. history.

Hollywood To Adapt WikiLeaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning Into Movie

Oscar-winning documentary maker Alex Gibney and producer Marc Shmuger are now reportedly looking for writers to adapt the book Private: Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and the Biggest Exposure of Official Secrets in American History.” and are currently looking for writers to adapt the story into a dramatic feature film.

Gibney and Shmuger’s film is one of many high-profile WikiLeaks projects targeted in Hollywood.

Director Bill Condon’s “The Fifth Estate,” about the news-leaking website WikiLeaks starring Benedict Cumberbatch as its editor-in-chief and founder Julian Assange and Daniel Brühl as its former spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg. Opens the Toronto Film Festival in September (trailer below).

The Bradley Manning story is easily one of the most important stories of the last decade,” said ‘Bradley Manning’ author Denver Nicks in a recent interview. “In many ways, Bradley Manning story is the story of the United States in the post 9/11 era.

Manning, who was found not guilty of the most serious espionage charge on Tuesday, was convicted on several lesser counts and still faces over 100 years in prison.

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