Monsters University: Monstrously Funny Students & Cast Members
"Monsters University" is an upcoming 2013 3D computer-animated buddy-comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures Dan Scanlon is the director and Kori Rae is the producer.
For the 2001 comedy "Monsters, Inc." Pixar Animation Studios devised all manner of squishy, creepy, cuddly, fuzzy, wobbly creatures to populate that tale of monsters who harness the energy of human screams to power their city. Now, the film’s prequel, "Monsters University," opening June 21, takes its familiar lead characters — the short, green, one-eyed Mike and his tall, furry sidekick, Sully, back to school.
These creatures of the night emerge to frighten and feed off their victims: young children who tell their skeptical parents that ghosts and goblins lurk in their closets. The kids are right. Those monsters are not a figment of infant fears; they are a race of ogres from an alternative world whose only energy source is a high volume of audible nightmares. Let's look at the Pixar Animation Studio's 10 monstrously funny creatures and characters.
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Billy Crystal as Michael "Mike" Wazowski - Student
John Goodman as James P. "Sulley" Sullivan - Student
Steve Buscemi as Randall "Randy" Boggs - Student
Charlie Day as Art - Student
Joel Murray as Don Carlton -Student
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